The next 100 days

I missed my self-imposed deadline for my last blog post. I promised myself that I would update my blog at least once per week, and I didn't deliver until the evening of the 8th day after my previous post.

Consistency is a key determinant of success. Unfortunately, I found myself lacking this quality within just a few weeks of starting this blog. The worst thing is - I didn't even think much of my failure until I stumbled on a YouTube video today that reminded me of it.

Actually, while the video was inspiring, it wasn't the trigger that got me to reflect. Instead, it was one of the comments, where a user committed publicly to the "law of 100" challenge mentioned in the video. Out of curiosity, I visited that user's YouTube page. I found that he began posting videos regularly about one year ago, right around when he made that comment, but stopped after about two months and ~20 videos. In the past 10 months, he posted just one video to his channel - and that was him giving the explanation/excuse that he hadn't updated in months because "he was working on another project."

I don't want to be that guy. I don't want to write off my missed deadline as a momentary lapse instead of what it really is - the beginning of a slippery slope that leads to the silent demise of this blog. I can't let that happen.

Therefore, for this blog, I'm going to start my own "100-day challenge". 100 days, 100 posts. One per day. If I miss a day, I will start again from day 1.

The daily commitment makes it easier to keep me accountable. If there's no update by midnight, something is wrong. And actually, there's a favor I want to ask of you, who's reading this now. If you happen to be following my blog regularly and notice in the future that I'd skipped a day, please send me an email to tell me how much I suck for being a quitter. I suspect that all I need is a reminder.

Sure, the quality of each individual post may decline - at least in the beginning. That said, it's been shown that quantity beats quality when pursuing improvement.

It's time for me to write more, and more often.