3 min read

Musical moments

Musical moments
Photo by C D-X / Unsplash

The other day, in a random video on JD.com, I heard a background song that made me sit up and take notice. The main reason is that it wasn't the first time in recent days that I heard it - at a family gathering a few weeks prior, I witnessed a junior high school student choose this song during karaoke.

500 Miles is an old folk song from decades ago, so I found it really interesting that it's become so popular lately in China. Today, I discovered that contestants on The Voice of China (中国好声音) had covered this song, which explains its popularity.

Going down the rabbit hole, I began to jump around on YouTube and QQ Music, seeking out covers of songs that I think are better than the originals - and to my surprise finding some that are barely known in China (as evidenced by the complete lack of comments on QQ Music).

If anything, this proves that serendipity has value. So in this post, I'll contribute in my own little way to the spirit of serendipity by recommending some of the best live performances and covers I've heard. Perhaps a reader will listen to some of them for the first time and gain something from the experience.

Mariah Carey - I'll Be There

Mariah Carey used to my favorite singer back when I was in primary school, ever since someone sang Hero for the school talent show. I haven't listened to any of her music from the last ten years because it's not for me, but I sometimes reminisce by replaying her old songs from the 90's.

This performance is Mariah at her best. Youthful and simple - with a voice that still leaves me speechless.

Eric Clapton - Tears in Heaven

When I first started college in 2000, it was the beginning of the Internet age. I lived in the dorms and had high-speed internet for the first time (10Mbps!), and Napster was this amazing program that allowed us to download songs (mp3s) in under 10 seconds.

Napster, Winamp, mp3s... I suppose none of these mean anything to young people today. But the mp3 of this performance was probably my most played during that period.

Eva Cassidy - Time After Time

I heard this song for the first time at the end of an episode of Smallville (yet another relic of the early 2000's), and immediately looked it up.

The case of Eva Cassidy would probably be the best example I can use to explain that talent and great music does not always equal success. She died at 33 from cancer, and her work didn't become popular until years after her death.

Many of her other covers are also great - especially Fields of Gold and Songbird.

KD Lang - Hallelujah

I remember watching the opening ceremony for the 2010 Olympics on TV when this performance happened. I only remember two things from that Olympics (which was held in Vancouver). One is Canada's gold medal match against the US in ice hockey. The other is this performance.

Brudda Iz - Somewhere Over the Rainbow/What a Wonderful World

I can't remember where I heard this first, but it just gives an indescribable feeling of the beach and sunshine whenever I listen to this song. Play it on loop for an extended feeling of peace and serenity.

Lady Gaga - Imagine

I reckon that before A Star is Born, most people did not know Lady Gaga is an amazing singer without the outlandish costumes and backup dancers. I basically only listen to her live performances because her normal style of music just doesn't resonate with me.

Her rendition of Imagine is the best one I've heard. Some of her other solo live performances are also great (for example Million Reasons and Speechless).

Kina Grannis - Can't Help Falling In Love

Nothing to say, except that this song is great. I think many people would know it from the film Crazy Rich Asians.

The interesting thing is about 10-15 years ago, I used to follow a bunch of YouTube's first wave of content creators (Wong Fu Productions, BoyceAvenue, NigaHiga, etc.) and she was among them. Most of that group faded away - possibly because our generation got older and most stopped listening to music or browsing YouTube regularly - but Kina Grannis seems to have persevered.

Check out her other covers and some of her original works from a few years ago - most of it's great.