Calvin and Hobbes

Recently, I rediscovered my favorite newspaper comic strip from when I was a kid. Unlike many things from my childhood, where a revisit may lessen the magic, the humor and wisdom of Calvin and Hobbes is as good as I remembered it. In fact, like many of Pixar's movies (Inside Out in particular), it may be even better these days because I understand all the nuances that might be overlooked by younger readers.

When I was brainstorming books that I would want to have available in a bookstore for children to browse through, Calvin and Hobbes was the best idea that came to my mind.

Why is Calvin and Hobbes great? I think it's because it never belittles its readers, treating its audience of predominantly children as equals - with respect and a commitment to communicating ideas without pulling any punches. I chuckle at the same observations today because they're still relevant as ever:

And once in a while, the comic can get philosophical and make us think:

Surprisingly, I haven't found copies of The Complete Calvin and Hobbes for sale in China. Even on e-commerce platforms such as, it's shipped from abroad, requiring about a month to arrive (and costs 1,687 RMB for the hardcover version, ouch).

I'm a bit saddened by this, since the difficulty in procuring it means that a new generation of children may not get to experience the warm fuzzy feeling that comes from reading Calvin and Hobbes. That said, this is yet another reason to open an English bookstore in Shanghai!