1 min read

AI supports self-learning

AI supports self-learning
Photo by ilgmyzin / Unsplash

So, ChatGPT is ubiquitous now. Some doomsayers are proclaiming that learning to code is now useless, and that most programmers will be out of a job within the next few years.

As for me, I think it's more important than ever to go deeper, and learn computer science from the ground up. If AI is going to take my job (or all jobs), at least I want to have the means to understand why and how it's happening.

I've asked ChatGPT to help me on my journey:

From my research, there are numerous resources online for self-learning computer science. It seems that the challenge isn't the lack of support, but rather an uncertainty regarding where to begin.

I arbitrarily chose to start with Nand2Tetris, a popular course that guides students to build a general purpose computer from the most fundamental building blocks. This is apparently the aspect of computer science that is most neglected by self-taught software engineers, so I'm keen to avoid that fate.

As with other projects I've worked on in the past, I'm posting this publicly on my blog as a means of motivating myself to follow through.

My goal is to complete the Nand2Tetris course (including all the assigned projects) within the recommended six weeks, after which I'll likely move on to algorithms and data structures. I'll make another post when I get to that point.